Benedikt Grande


I’m Benedikt.

Software Developer, father, problem solver and much more. I have a main job and am working on side projects as a Solopreneur in my free time.

There are many things I’m interested in. Mainly focused on performant and sustainable web applications like SaaS and websites.

Development emphasis: performant PHP, Rust, JavaScript (SvelteKit), SQL and some CSS and Tailwindcss.

You can find a list of side projects on my projects page.

My 5 Products
Breakeven Calculator

Let's you calculate when your projects break even and make a profit

Image Rotator

Upload your (jpg) image to get it rotated based on the EXIF information

Password Handling Infographics

How to manage passwords as a developer and user in 2 pretty and handy infographics

Satirical take on current world events based on the doomsday clock and users' votes

German service for creating objection letter against the new Grundsteuerbescheid

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