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How do you deal with copycats?

author Andre Flores

4 Answers

  1. Don’t overdo building in public
  2. All the time spend worrying about copycats should be spent worrying about the customers

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

Kirill Rogovoy love number 2!

writen by Andre Flores

This is a great question because its kind of messing up the build in public culture. So far I have been sharing everything which frustrates João Amaro a little bit. At the same time also makes me grow in the indie community.

But I subscribe to what <@U047BPS6SP8> said… Just dont worry to much

What are your thoughts on this <@U02U9TESZ6U> and <@U05S852S961>?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I was never affected by copycats, only by competitors with Hivoe, so I don’t have much experience. But I wouldn’t care too much, if you invest in SEO, distribution channels and maybe a bit of branding, no one can steal them from you.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

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