how do I get the channel id Kyle K?
writen by Tiago Ferreira
Not too sure. Just remember this tripped up my team a while back when we were working with their api
writen by Kyle K
It was like a year ago though so I don’t remember what our solution was
writen by Kyle K
OMG, yes!! I found it here:
2- Find your channel. See to your URL. It should be like <>
3- Grab '1543515057' from it, and add '-100' as a prefix.```
writen by Tiago Ferreira
I was finally able to get the messages using ‘Telethon’. Did anyone ever use that? Do you know if this can run automatically?
writen by Tiago Ferreira
ok, it seems that never expires unless we manually revoke it
writen by Tiago Ferreira