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Anyone can recommend a good accountant in the US that can help us do the book keeping and all that is needed to create a company there?

Looking for Accountant in US

author Tiago Ferreira

12 Answers

its going to depend a lot on which state you want to incorporate in do you know which state you’d like?

writen by Matt Gale

Most likely Delaware

writen by Benedikt

hahaha im canadian so all i know about US tax law is from podcasts and hollywood

but afaik the reason delaware is the choice is that you have a corp in delaware that owns the trademark/brand of your company, and a subsidiary company “licences” that from the delaware corp, to reduce the profit of the subsidiary to as low as possible (the licencing fee that is paid is configured based on the subsidiary’s profit), and the delaware corp pays a lower tax on the profit from licencing per delaware law

all that to say, you likely want legal professionals to manage that configuration for you. No idea how easy or hard that is to do yourself

writen by Matt Gale

this episode gives a pretty good 2 cent tour iirc

writen by Matt Gale

There was a thread on this recently in IndieWorldWide I’ll DM you some that were mentioned.

Also I’ve hear of people using| to form their delaware corp. They have a fixed price fee for company lifetime that incluedes a bunch of stuff, but most of this is more likely to be helpful if you plan on raising money.

writen by Pascal Bovet

Didn’t you mention on Twitter that you are going to stick to creating a portogues company?

writen by Pascal Bovet

Yup. Most likely… I have spoken with a lot of people and everyone says its easy but then when we really dig in into the dettails things become complex real fast XD

writen by Tiago Ferreira

100% I looked at a bunch of information when I started out and glad that eventually I decided to just create a LLC in NY instead. Much less of a hassle.

writen by Pascal Bovet

i have a friend who is dual Venezuela/Canada and as a Venezuelian its hard for him to get access to financial serivces

he ended up creating an LLC in florida to be a passthrough that pays his canadian bank

writen by Matt Gale

Why would you form a company in the US?

writen by James Trimble

Stripe has an incorporation package, <https//>

writen by James Trimble

great question James Trimble. I think the main reason would be to pay less taxes and the second because they are easier to manage

writen by Tiago Ferreira

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