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How could I find out?

20 persons and this verified Twitter account followed me in the last 24 hours and I have no idea what happened.

author Marc Lou

23 Answers

Have you looked at your twitter analytics?

writen by Iain Cambridge

I don’t know, but well done!

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

If you’re not able to spot it from the Notifications sections (a retweet or quote), I really don’t know

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

Twitter analytics tell you engagement like profile clicks

writen by Iain Cambridge

Send him a DM asking why haha

writen by Daniel Nguyen

Here are the analytics Iain Cambridge does it help?

writen by Marc Lou

Click tweets and then it should be clear

writen by Iain Cambridge

Daniel Nguyen done

writen by Marc Lou

Iain Cambridge do you believe me if I tell you i just discovered this tab thanks to you? Thank you so much~

writen by Marc Lou

Here is what is says, first tweet got 90 profile visits but no information about how many followers

writen by Marc Lou

Click view activity for the top ones

writen by Iain Cambridge

Ahaha I did forgot about that tab as well, I never check it

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

Here is another one, what is going on?

writen by Marc Lou

Iain Cambridge should it say something about “follow”?

The top 5 tweets generated profile visits but nothing about following

writen by Marc Lou

Maybe that data is just in the API then

writen by Iain Cambridge

I added this idea to my product. Analyze the source of followers.

WBE User, it might a good idea for tweet audience, too.

But don’t ask how to solve it

writen by Dmytro Krasun

Well. I don’t know, if it’s possible to do it with current state of Twitter API 😊

writen by WBE User

What I can do is to analyze new followers, time they followed and compare it with time, when certain tweets were posted 😊

writen by WBE User

No, you can’t know the source. But you might correlate them with profile clicks and with results from Google Search, if somebody shared these tweets somewhere or your tweet handle.

But what’s the value, I don’t know :man-shrugging::skin-tone-2:

Marc Lou, why is it important for you?

writen by Dmytro Krasun

Seems like overkill for feature you don’t really need (atleast I don’t care, which followers came from where). I only care how much followers came from my tweets.

writen by WBE User

People who are growing obessed would want to know. If one tweet gets you 20 but another gets you 4, you want to know about the 20 follower tweet

writen by Iain Cambridge

I’ll add it to my notes and we’ll see 😊

writen by WBE User

Dmytro Krasun because i recently got new followers and don’t know why.

Finding out would help me write the content people actually want to see

writen by Marc Lou

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