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What are your plans for your business in this upcoming holiday season along with BFCM?

Anyone running any sales campaign?

author Andre Flores

10 Answers

I might try a black Friday sale for chair flight

writen by James Trimble

we might do it too. Any tips for black friday?

cc Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) Asli Kahraman Matt Gale

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Maybe if you guys got promotions we can share it with the community

writen by Andre Flores

hmmm tough one. It makes me ask lots of questions… one main Q is who would a deal like this be applicable for? people who are interested/on the fence but think its too expensive? people who have never heard of you but now know you?

for example, there may be BFCM aggregator sites that you could try to get on? i guess the question is are you getting in front of the right people? Maybe it doesnt matter- people who buy have podcasts so are at least relevant to podsqueeze. Along the same lines, do you have an email list of people you can email to let them know about a deal?

writen by Matt Gale

Matt Gale I see BF as a marketing opportunity. A lot of things happen those days, and you probably need to be part of it. I’m planning to do something around it this year for th first time. Maybe there are uncertain buyers that will take the opportunity to purchase (discounts are appealing) maybe you get exposed to new potential customers. You simply don’t know in advance.

The channels for me would be: • product newsletter • social channels (Twitter, Reddit) • deals aggregators (I was thinking to build one, not sure yet)

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

> You simply don’t know in advance. 100%.- you just have to put fuel in the engine of serendipity

writen by Matt Gale

Software industry altogether is slow these times due to the economy. That doesn’t negate the interest many people have about software solutions though and maybe an enticing deal can push them over the edge.. I agree with Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter) that this could be used as a marketing opportunity. At best, you get sales, at worst you increase brand awareness.

The thing you’re taking advantage of is that the buyer mentality is warm around that time and you want to take advantage of that while your potential clients are in buy mode.

writen by Andre Flores

I agree with the ‘buyer mentality is warm’ statement there.

We couldn’t decide yet, I want to do it for Eazylio, Amr is hesitant.

What are BFCM aggregator sites Matt Gale, any examples?

writen by Asli Kahraman

the one i know best is

writen by Matt Gale

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