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What is the best way to create an email for my domain? [SOLVED]

author Tiago Ferreira

25 Answers

Depends what you’re aiming at

writen by Benedikt

There multiple providers.

writen by Benedikt

which provider do you recommend?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I’m about to change to netcup. But you could also use google. Do you only need it for one domain?

writen by Benedikt

yes, for podsqueeze

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I see. You could take any provider, really. Make sure they support DKIM, SPF and DMARC and have enough Space

writen by Benedikt

I use a custom domain with iCloud, really easy for one domain only

writen by Jasper Schoormans

is there any free option? How do I do it using google?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Zoho mail is extremely cheap and comes with custom domain. <https//>

writen by Philip

I use google workspace for one of my domains. Brings me the whole gmail experience but costs like ~$8 per month.

writen by Pascal Bovet

Zoho is only €0.9/month I’ve been using it for several years now

writen by Philip

Second Philip there, Zoho is both cheap and very usable too… I use it for 2 of my domains.

writen by Kamal Kannan

Wait, do you need to receive/send emails manually (e.g.| or do you need it for transactional/marketing emails?

I use Gmail for the former and AWS SES for transactional ones.

I’m about to pick another one for marketing. I was going to try but I had had rough experience with their another service (, so going to choose something else.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

Oh, one more thing. The way I understand it, if I’ve already verified my domain at some low-level provider like SES, I can then use it as the ‘backend’ for a service that manages marketing emails.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

I’m very lost with this question, my hosting provides unlimited email accounts for my domaines? Then I read them with thunderbird? If it’s your domain, can you not just create an email account with the hosting?

writen by LaLa Artica

LaLa Artica Yeah, most hosting providers do, but not if you use VPS (which is setting up your own server). Although you can normally have email hosting as a paid add-on. I believe Tiago is using a cloud service and not a hosting provider.

writen by Philip

With some email providers, you can validate either one email address or the whole domain. Most people do the latter.

In that case, you can send emails from any address on that domain. It’s basically just an API param if you will.

Individual email address don’t usually have their own ‘spam reputation’. Domains and IP addresses do.

This is also why almost all email providers will force through some verification process — If you start sending spam using their service, you deal damage to both your domain and their IP addresses.

Besides, most spam filters would not simply add one IP address to the list of spammers, but usually the whole IP address block (basically, up to 255 addresses at the same time). So it might screw things up for other clients too.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

The education available here in WBEspace, Y’all are the best! So much to think about & here I am just imagining its a whiz to set up email. The puzzle pieces are starting to fit together for me so much better. I appreciate the time to teach and share that everyone helps with. Thank you!

writen by LaLa Artica

I want to create one for user support and business related stuff and then another one for marketing. Would Zoho be good for the business related stuff? Philip and Kamal Kannan

writen by Tiago Ferreira

What about to send cold emails?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Tiago Ferreira as far as I know, most of my emails land in the inbox

writen by Philip

If you do cold emails: use a different address or service and don’t do that many Emails. With so many mails (probably almost same content) to so many different addresses almost every provider will flag you (also because some will mark the email as spam)

writen by Benedikt

So shall I create an email using some other email service? is that it?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Hey Philip and <@U0484NE1QP2>. How do I create a new email using Zoho? I have| but I need|

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Tiago Ferreira from my observation :

  1. With so many recipients the content for each should be very individual/personalized
  2. The emails should be sent with a greater delay
  3. The email volume should be partitioned over several days to keep the volume down and do a warm-up by gradually increasing the volume (and at best gradually decrease, again)
  4. Your provider should be highly rated and support things like DMARC, SPF and DKIM
  5. It might help to use different addresses with low volume each but imho they should be from the same domain
  6. Make sure the addresses are valid (verify before sending)
  7. Plain text often has a better reputation than html. At least use both
  8. Better not to use tracking pixels (individual links should be fine)
  9. No attachments
  10. Avoid spammer phrases (free offer, Viagra :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, …)

writen by Benedikt

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