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Where to store our company passwords? [SOLVED]

Looking for a solution so store all the passwords for our company. It should be possible to share it between joao and I. Any ideas?

author Tiago Ferreira

29 Answers

There’s a quadrillion possibilities

  1. Encrypted disk or keepass file + Dropbox (or whatever Filesharing) I use this for passwords I don’t generate on the fly
  2. password manager like bitwarden (open source self hosting possible, even with a Rust server), 1Password, …

writen by Benedikt

You just reminded me that I wanted to summarize a Tweet I did a year ago 😊. Here you go:

writen by Benedikt

Thanks Benedikt. I was using a similar solution to your number one. However it’s a pain everytime I want to add a new password. What do you use to decript and encrypt the file?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I use KeePass and still have an older LUKS encrypted image file (Linux)

writen by Benedikt

For sharing when you don’t want to use sth. cloud based I can recommend KeePass. Definitely easier than sharing just encrypted files. Otherwise I’d go with bitwarden.

writen by Benedikt

You could also use git/GitHub with blackbox btw. This is especially nice for devs 😊

writen by Benedikt

If you need more info we could also hop on a call

writen by Benedikt

this looks cool. thank you

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I use 1Password and it’s down great so far

writen by Andre Flores

I use keepass and keep the file in dropbox but blackbox seems cool

writen by James Trimble

Bitwarden. You can even define different permission levels per folder, and has an emergency mode in case something happens to you (and lock everybody else out of their work)

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

In house solutions like an encrypted file in some storage sometimes brings too many issues, and you’re one slip away from deleting it accidentally

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

what are your thoughts on simply storing the passwords on a doc on google drive? In theory there is one password to access them all

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Nope, please don’t do that. It’s just not save.

writen by Benedikt

Why? Someone can access the drive?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

If someone does they get all your secrets

writen by Benedikt

If they’re encrypted you could do this but it’s still tedious

writen by Benedikt


writen by Tiago Ferreira

I use 1Password as Andre Flores simply amazing with the browser extensions to quickly fill the forms.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

and it’s very cheap, with team plans, and so on. if you are looking for a very productive product, I would suggest it.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

The thing is that I already use chromes password managers and I am happy with it. I just want to find a way to store all the passwords and share them with Joao

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Imho you can sync that with a Google account

writen by Benedikt

Yeah I use it to store all my passwords and allow for easy sharing.

writen by Andre Flores

Another datapoint. One of the companies I worked at (~3000 people tech company) was using lastpass as password manager.

writen by Pascal Bovet

LastPass gets hacked almost every year. I’d recommend to stay away.

writen by Andre Flores

Although right now 1Password seems to have been involved into the octa breach

writen by Benedikt

Lastpass has been fairly bad in handling their incident last year and made some bad product decisions (like not encrypting the value of some fields). However from my understanding passwords have never been compromised or people haven’t been able to extract passwords.

Other than that, was Benedikt said, data breaches happen all the time. The point I was making is that even bigger public companies us password managers.

writen by Pascal Bovet

For me it is mostly switching cost. One you have it setup with one provider it is hard to swtich to another one.

writen by Pascal Bovet

Yeah absolutely true. In principle I like the idea of Password Manager SaaS. On the other hand I just don’t feel safe enough using it. Imho it’s best when a password never leaves your device. If possible even for authentication. Which is why Passkeys’ concept is great. Having pub/priv keys and a challenge response is way better. I’m working on a password based solution for this right now for people who do not want to use the currently available tools for passkey

writen by Benedikt

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