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Anyone tried that Twitter ads glitch by Edward Sturm?

author Andre Flores

14 Answers

What is it?

writen by James Trimble


writen by Andre Flores

this is very interesting Andre Flores. Is anyone here running ads on Twitter nowadays?

writen by Asli Kahraman

Lol, 40/3.3 million = .0012% conversion rate.

writen by James Trimble

Ad could be bad but CPA is good

writen by Andre Flores

If he spent $4-5 for 40 people that’s 12 cents per acquisition. I’d be happy to pay that any day lol

writen by Andre Flores

Yeah, maybe. I’m listening to this right now to see what he’s doing exactly.

writen by James Trimble

Well, I listened to that 17 minute episode and I still don’t know what the hack is. Do you Andre Flores?

writen by James Trimble

Its just Twitter ads and the settings he outlined - geared for maximizing reach, not targetting.

writen by Andre Flores

I guess that explains the low conversion rate. They’re probably just selling ad space that nobody is bidding on, right?

writen by James Trimble

He’s actually saying at the end of the tiktok it’s 6 cents per subscriber. Seems good ROI for him, he looks thrilled lol WBE Member have you seen this? You had said productlogz is active on twitter

writen by Asli Kahraman

I think he’s pushing people for his newsletter or podcast. If that’s the case, could be valuable even if its a wide net

writen by Andre Flores

Since selling ads for that is more of a numbers game

writen by Andre Flores

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