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Do you use marketing funnels for your products or services?

If so, do you see them as more beneficial than having multiple ways of reaching your product or service?

author Aidas Bendoraitis

2 Answers

Is it possible not to use marketing funnels?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Not sure if we are on the same page, but marketing funnels are predefined paths for how the end user will reach your product, where the project owner can measure how many steps the visitors took and how many people bounced until some of them converted (became the paying users). Using funnels, the project owner can optimize each bottleneck of the funnel until the conversions are optimal and systematic.

What I don’t like about the funnel approach is that it limits the access to the end product to a specific path, and visitors can’t jump to the last course until they complete all steps.

For example, someone reads a social media post, then clicks on the link to subscribe to a newsletter, then receives at least seven emails to get informed about the problem that your product is solving, then receives a link to your product’s special landing page, then decides to signup for a limited offer, then becomes the paying user. The product owner can then measure each step statistically and improve the problematic efforts. But there is no opportunity to get directly from social media posts to becoming a paying user, which could solve the frustration of getting the solution immediately.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

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