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Does anyone of you use an affiliate network to promote your SaaS?

If so, what are your experiences?

author Aidas Bendoraitis

6 Answers

I prioritized the affiliate networks supported by Paddle with AI auto-suggestions. <|CJ Affiliate> and|ShareASale are the most reliable according to GPT-3.

ChatGPT tells me that affiliate networks take 20%-30% commission or a monthly fee. Plus you pay 5%-50% commission to the affiliates.

I would be interested in hearing facts and stories about Affiliate Networks from real-world experience.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Tiago Ferreira just started an affiliate program.

writen by James Trimble

I wasn’t aware that affiliate networks exist but was looking to hire someone to distribute our affiliate program to influencers.

writen by Peter Kowalczyk

I am using getreward, since last week. Was easy to setup, so let’s see what’s next

writen by Peter Kowalczyk

What’s the URL and pricing? Regarding affiliate networks, I am not sure exactly about the wording: is affiliate network a network of people making profit by advertising your services? Or is it a network of companies who suggest affiliate links? Or is it both?

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

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