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Any thoughts / suggestions of what I should ask her, find out from her during the call?

Got a message from someone at Sequoia for an introductory call.

Not too sure how to feel about it. Have accepted her invitation for a chat anyway.

We’re looking to continue bootstrapping our business, so not too sure what I should be looking forward to in that meeting. Planning to go with an open mind about what she has to say.

author Kavya

7 Answers

Think about how they could help with non-monetary thing, like intros or partnerships.

writen by Stephen N

A lot of questions regarding SEA Maybe where she sees most potential for resumeypro as an outsider. KPIs that she would consider important for her investment decision.

writen by Luise Haack

What Luise and Stephen said! You’re doing it right. Just be open-minded and ask her what made them contact you. Obviously they see something there

writen by Benedikt

Thanks <@U037TQY892N>, Luise Haack & Benedikt

I will keep these points in mind and let you know how the conversation goes! It’s scheduled for next week :grin:

writen by Kavya

Once I had a similar kind of meeting with my app changeit. In the end they thought that I was making much more money (more than 100k) and since I was not XD they told they would not be interested. Was still cool to meet and understand better how this world works.

writen by Tiago Ferreira

If you are happy with the answer Kavya please mark it as solved with reaction

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Tiago Ferreira mark where? My own message?

writen by Kavya

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