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Any advice on monetisation?

Guys I have a meeting with a girl who has a 50,000 artists community and shes interested to collaborate with me for the anti-procrastination programe and connect accountability buddies. I was thinking to propose affiliation or referral but do you have some experiences or tips?

author Ida Radovanovic

12 Answers

~Can you elaborate what this anti procrastination program implies? I’m not aware of it. Maybe I could come up with some suggestions~

Never mind I’ll check on the website, I tried to access it few days ago but didn’t have reception on my phone and totally forgot about it

writen by Mike

Congrats on the deal Ida Radovanovic

I would always ask for money . Because if you are putting in the work you deserve to be compensated without the any risk. Now, if you think you can get a lot of new members then you can split and have a portion in money and another portion in affiliates.

In my experience, convincing people to join a community is not easy and the churn can be quite high

writen by Tiago Ferreira

It’s not yet a deal, fingers crossed, but it is a nice initiative Thank you for the support!!

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Thank you Mike Let me know what you think

writen by Ida Radovanovic

I would go to this meeting already with a price in mind

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Mike I am currently doing Playground. Let me know if you have questions.

For me it is a cohorte-based anti-procrastination programme allowing you to (finally) work on an individual goal guided by playful steps and supported by an accountability buddy.

writen by Luise Haack

The other day I actually wanted to suggest you doing the events you do for making IT people meet recruiters, and the companies pay you.

With the boom in remote work, getting past the first application is hard because there’s no rapport established from either parts, which normally doesn’t happen as frequently when you actually apply to a company in your town

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

maybe a project on which you could work together Bartolomeu Rodrigues and Ida Radovanovic

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I would be happy to. It would give a predictable stream of leads to some solopreneurs who need predictable jobs so they can continue their projects

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

Sounds reallly really interesting! Shall we have a coffee and you explain a bit more Bartolomeu Rodrigues?

writen by Ida Radovanovic

Sure. I’ll DM you

writen by Bartolomeu Rodrigues

I always really enjoy leaning into ‘Value-Based Pricing’ whenever I’m in a position like this.

There’s a great workshop on it through a community I’m in called IndeCollective. I’ve included the link below.

It’ll make you register for ‘The Modern Independent’ newsletter - which you can unsubscribe from if you like - but the workshop is definitely worth the watch.

writen by Jan Almasy

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