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Community Coding

What do you guys think?

Hi everyone!

So, I’m building a few apps that are fitness and nutrition related.

It got me thinking that building a community around build in public and mixing it with fitness could be really cool. Like “fit in public.”

We’re all at our desks working on our startups all day, or doing some computer day job and working on our dreams at night. It seems like from a bit of temperature checking that there seems to be an interest.

Is there a space that I could maybe fill that the dev/BIP community as a whole might be interested in?

author WBE User

20 Answers

Justyna Ilczuk and Luise Haack what are your thoughts on this?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I love communities and I think that people really sick accountability. Specially for things that sometimes might be harder to keep up like fitness.

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Sweet!! Ill put thoughts together to see what actionable steps I can take towards it

writen by WBE User

Maybe a discord community

writen by WBE User

You should talk with <@U045QK0GJK1>. She makes accountability workshop. Here is her WBE page:

writen by Tiago Ferreira

also is the plan to make money with it?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Not directly, it would definitely help support build a community with our fitness apps, but I wouldn’t monetize the discord itself. Anyone would be welcome, not just our app users 😊

writen by WBE User

Just keep in mind that managing a community takes time for your day. Is not really passive

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I like the “Fit in public” concept.

Also it reminded me this article (with funny animations):

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Possible viral idea: it would be fun to start a challenge to film yourself doing some exercises at a workplace and make it a new habit.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

I think this could be awesome

writen by James Trimble

I’m happy to post a daily pic surfing in the ocean to make everyone jealous, so totally into it lol

writen by WBE User

joke aside, I think there’s a real demand for accountability groups (I see it with my self-help apps)

writen by WBE User

if you try something, a public Streak is #1 most important feature

writen by WBE User

would love to see how that goes!

writen by WBE User

oh that’s brilliant Aidas Bendoraitis!

writen by WBE User

Maybe I can get people to do it and join in.

#fitinpublic Post a pic of yourself doing an exercise at your workplace or by your home desk

writen by WBE User

If I tweeted this challenge, would you guys join in with the hashtag to help kick start it? 😊

writen by WBE User

Next year, why not. Could be fun.

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

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