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Tools Coding

hi, i’m looking to create a (high quality) promo / demo video for a digital product, any advise on which tools/software are good for this?


author Stephanie Preuthen

8 Answers

Mike which tools do you use for your videos?

writen by Luise Haack

Tools: good video or system camera, enough (indirect) lighting, maybe green screen. Software: best you can (imho) get for free: blackmagic DaVinci Resolve. Not entirely easy to use, though

writen by Benedikt

Just sent her a message thanks for tagging me Luise Haack

writen by Mike

Mike can you share it here too? I am also curious about how to do it

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I actually sent her a proposal for collaboration.

But if you want to create your own video, some of the most popular tools for video editing and motion graphics are Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Ruch, DaVinciResolve and Final Cut Pro. I personally use Adobe After Effects and Illustrator.

There are a plenty of other tools, but something that’s more casual is iMovie, which is provided by Apple. It’s easy to use and intuitive.

For a great product demo/explainer video, you should also consider an accurate video script with an easy-to-understand storyline, voice over and quality background sound.

writen by Mike

After Effects is great, it’s even used for movies post-production. I used it many years ago It doesn’t even cost that much now, €24,39/month

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

Yeah, that’s the drawback. But hey, we now live in a world where there is a subscription for almost everything.

It was expected for adobe to approach this business model instead of having a one time payment.

Would you do a one time payment for your products?

writen by Mike

thank y’all for all your kind + thorough feedback and especially Mike obviously for your gracious offer to help me out for this! hope we can talk soon

writen by Stephanie Preuthen

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