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How do I know if my hacker news account was silently blocked? [SOLVED]

I see a lot of the wbe peeps having a lot of success on hacker news these days but every time I try to post something I get zero upvotes…

author Tiago Ferreira

27 Answers

Do you have a link to a post you’ve made?

writen by WBE User

Story of my hackernews posts. I guess it just wasn’t interesting enough for most people

writen by Benedikt

How can I share the post link? I only have Show HN links. Do they have their own page?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Yea, like the comment page

writen by WBE User

Yea it looks like you’re shadow banned

writen by WBE User

how do you know?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Probably for doing Show HN too much

writen by WBE User

All your posts are marked as [dead}

writen by WBE User

You had a few [flagged}

writen by WBE User

Not sure if everyone can see it or if you need a certain amount of karma to see them.

writen by WBE User

really? I can see the flagged but not the [dead]. Can you share a screenshot?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

writen by WBE User

writen by WBE User

‘dead’: on HN is like locking and hiding a thread – no more voting or commenting and the thread disappears.

writen by Tiago Ferreira


writen by WBE User

Only people who have show dead will see it which is hardly anyone

writen by WBE User

For example without showdead enabled I get

writen by WBE User

writen by WBE User

You have a lot of karma WBE User!! Can I simply create another account?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

writen by WBE User

And yea you can just create another account

writen by WBE User

How do I avoid being blocked in the future? 🤔

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Don’t post everything under SHOW HN would be one thing.

writen by WBE User

Also, try limiting posts to once a month or so

writen by WBE User

wow. Interesting thread!

writen by Marcus Biel(

Couple more tips: • Take the time to upvote other people’s content that you like. • Be active: write comments. • Don’t send direct links to people. Instead, ask them to browse around a bit before upvoting your post. • Don’t only upvote posts from a fixed set of domains. They got voting ring detection. Everyone in the group is penalized or banned if it is detected. In short: The HN spam detection is pretty sophisticated. Don’t behave like a bot; be a real member.

writen by Matthias Endler

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