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My simple doubt is, do you think it’s worth posting articles on platforms like IH during the holidays?

I have some time during the holidays that I want to invest in writing content and marketing.

Or is it better to wait until January?

author Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

4 Answers

My guess is that IH never sleeps But always post on your own blog and then post it on IH (dont forget to indicate on IH where the original source is)

writen by Tiago Ferreira

What do you think Goutham J?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

You can actually start writing content on your own blog from today & as Tiago said you could share the link to the blog instead.

But if you’re looking to post directly on IH, you might as well try because people might be less active during the holiday time. This might seem like a disadvantage but it actually is an advantage. With less creators on IH, there’s less competition for posts to rank.

writen by Goutham J

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