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I’m curious. Would you pay for the advice of a successful indie hacker/entrepreneur?

author Pere Ayats

10 Answers

If I had the money: yes

writen by Benedikt

What do you think is too much? (Let’s say the advice of Tony Dihn)

writen by Pere Ayats

I feel like I would do it, especially to be mentored for 6 months, once a month. My only concern would be that every business is different. So what works for Tony (replace Tony with any other name) may not work for my business. So there should be a product match as well. I’m sure some indie hackers have tried many different paths. and it is very valuable to know what they did (especially for marketing).

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

maybe $100 per hour.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

And what if it was async? Meaning you send a loom or a question and they answer in a loom as well

writen by Pere Ayats

Why type of advice are we talking about? Something really specific like how to send cold emails or something more generic like why don’t I have users?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Very custom questions or opinions that would be answered by successful people

writen by Pere Ayats

Like ‘how would you pursue this business idea’

writen by Pere Ayats

No. I’m all for continuous mentorship, but the only people I’d take mentorship from won’t need my money to begin with.

The best relationships here happen without cash involved, either completely free (because friends), or for a share or something.

But, really, advice is overrated generally speaking. People should just spend that time learning by doing.

E.g. without investing tens of hours, Levels won’t give you much more than he’s already written in his book. Just read the book then and go ship stuff.

One exception I can think of is if you need help with accountability. Paying someone who’s got a clear idea of what you do to have weekly sessions to keep you going can be life-changing for some.

But it’s always better to find a good cofounder instead haha

writen by Kirill Rogovoy

Great insights. I agree with pretty much everything you said. Thank you! Kirill Rogovoy

writen by Pere Ayats

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