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Should the In App Purchase to unlock App Icon Changer act like you are buying each app icon, say $0.99USD or have the unlock be for the feature and allow you to pick any of the icons, for $3.99?

I’ve got an iOS app that I’m working on looking for feedback on pricing for a feature.

author Justin Allen

8 Answers

What would be use case of someone buying these? Could both options be beneficial for different segments of your users?

writen by Luise Haack

I’m not sure how I would build the both option in the interface. But I have a prototype for the each icon option. I’m not really sure what would be better in general. I’m leaning towards each icon is a separate in-app-purchase.

writen by Justin Allen

Tbh, I have never done any in-app-purchase.

writen by Luise Haack

I think we would need to visualize both options to provide relevant feedback Justin Allen

writen by Tiago Ferreira

This is the way I would do the unlock all, more over asking for pricing advice.

writen by Justin Allen

Both in one screenshot to make it easier. I’m leaning towards in-app-purchase for each icon. It will encourage me to make more icons in the future.

writen by Justin Allen

ahh got it. So either sell one feature individually or sell them as a bundle. Tbh is really hard for me to give feedback on this. The best would be to ask directly a few of your target costumers and see what they say. In the end you can test both approaches and see what sells more. I would say given that it’s only $4 I would try to sell the features all together

writen by Tiago Ferreira

That’s just an example price, I don’t know what I would do for pricing of it. I think I’m going to start off with the each individual icon as a separate iAP.

writen by Justin Allen

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