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What are the channels that brought you the best results in the short/mid term?

I want to double down to quickly boost the MRR of Userdesk.

(in terms of traffic generation, leads discovery and so on).

I could start working on SEO but it’s more of a long term game.

author Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

3 Answers

The channels that worked for us are not necessarily the same as the channels that work for you. My approach with marketing now is to shoot in all directions and see which one works best. And then just scale it. Here are some ideas: Twitter DMS, emails, ads, YouTube, LinkedIn, forums, conferences

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Did you identify your ideal target persona? For quick wins, from my experience: • Reddit • Facebook groups • Sponsored IG posts (some say TikTok is now the king of this but haven’t tried) Experiment, try different avenues at first to find out which yields the best results then double down on it until the well runs dry then go to the next tactic.

writen by Andre Flores

how did you approach reddit and FB Andre Flores?

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

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