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Is anyone using Ahrefs here?

Any feedback on it?

author Kavya

7 Answers

I like Semrush more :)

writen by Asli Kahraman

Why is that Asli Kahraman ? :)

writen by Kavya

I find their interface cleaner and easier to use :)

writen by Asli Kahraman

And I use a bundle from Pineflock that gives me 4 software in one (Semrush, Majestic SEO, Moz, and SpyFu) for less than a single Semrush’s price

writen by Asli Kahraman

Only the free Site audit. It’s a good tool with a lot of features for a free version.

writen by Benedikt

SemRush & Ahrefs are pretty expensive.. I’m using ubersuggest. It is currently serving my purpose

writen by WBE Member

Been testing semrush and ahrefs concurrently for a month and agree, found semrush interface nicer so using that more as a result

writen by Owen

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