If not, what is a good alternative which handles taxes for me?
writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič
At “1st things 1st” I created single payments with Paddle for a 6 month period. I handle the subscription period on my site. It’s like a normal single payment for a downloadable app.
writen by Aidas Bendoraitis
So it’s subscription for 6 months?
writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič
Yes, but it’s because I decided so.
writen by Aidas Bendoraitis
The prioritizer makes more sense in the long-term rather than regularly.
writen by Aidas Bendoraitis
I would like to implement something like time slots. Each slot is 1 month. User choose slot, pays and his product will be featured for that timeslot. I’m worried that Paddle don’t like these kind of payments
writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič
Paddle allows either single payments or subscriptions. If you choose subscriptions, it will be recurring and monthly (maybe other periods are also possible). If it’s single payment, then you handle what will be bought by it yourself. You just need to predefine all things in Paddle. For example: Time slot for product A. And the custom payment description will say: from June 1st, 2023 till July 1st, 2023.
writen by Aidas Bendoraitis
Yes. I know this. That’s ok. I was talking more about what type of apps Paddle allow for their payments. Mine is not SaaS, so I don’t know, if they gonna approve
writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič
Try and if they don’t approve, maybe Gumroad could be an option.
writen by Aidas Bendoraitis
Ok, thanks
writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič