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So what’s the verdict on Substack notes?

I don’t really use the platform, so wondering if it’s worthwhile signing up and using

author Maxwell Davis

5 Answers

Sometimes I double post there, but then again, if you are a small account, I think a lot of time comes from interacting with others and I’m currently not spending that time there.

Multiple slack communities and twitter already feels like a lot.

writen by Pascal Bovet

Yeah agreed - it’s already quite a bit!

writen by Maxwell Davis

I think it’s great if you have a newsletter. There’s no “Follow” button on Notes, but “Subscribe” to join the newsletter.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

I’ll continue using it, as I enjoy the platform. I don’t think it’s a clone of Twitter, so I still need to understand how to use it effectively.

writen by Luca Restagno (ikoichi on Twitter)

It’s definitely worth it. Have seen a lot of folks grow their Substack organically without posting any long form content through Notes and engaging with others. It’s still new so a much smaller and active community than Twitter.

writen by Maimoona (Mei)

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