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Should that top checkbox select all rows, that are currently found (280) or only rows, which are on current table page?

UX Question. Table is paginated on server side.

author Dobroslav Radosavljevič

9 Answers

I like gmail’s approach. If you click it checks all on the current screen and gives you a prompt to check all overall

writen by WBE User

An example of this would be the grid that Google Cloud Console uses to display VMs and other resources. It does the same as Gmail, except it doesn’t prompt and doesn’t select rows outside the visible page.

writen by Scott Jones

Awesome. Didn’t know about Gmail approach. Sounds reasonable

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

So I guess which one I’d use would be down to the kind of user. Engineers or non-techy?

writen by Scott Jones

Scott Jones Both. It’s tool for Twitter users (all kind)

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

I’d go with Gmail’s example in that case.

writen by Scott Jones

I’m not best designer, but table looks like this. I like that Gmail’s approach, so I’ll try it.

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

Thanks guys

writen by Dobroslav Radosavljevič

Nothing wrong with that UI :)

writen by Scott Jones

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