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what do you suggest to manage cookie consents, terms and conditions, and privacy policy?

I’ve used iubenda in the past, which costs $9/month and provides the widgets as well, but I’m open to alternatives.

author WBE Member

17 Answers

My rule: Make everything GDPR compatible, which means:

  1. Don’t integrate any external resource directly (i.e. for FB, YT, GMaps, Twitter, … create a consent wall before loading it), use fonts and other resources from your server
  2. Don’t use GA, use a GDPR compliant Analytics tool instead
  3. Don’t use tracking cookies
  4. No advertisement networks (that’s a hard one for monetizing sometimes)
  5. Only use cookies that are technically necessary With that, you don’t need the cookie consent or any consent banner at all besides the external resources consent when people want to see them (save the consent results (via cookie, technical, you know) for a while).

writen by WBE Member

You always need some policy, if you manage users accounts

writen by WBE Member

So WBE Member still needs something

writen by WBE Member

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to write about that. Yes, you need a privacy policy. Be honest there and put every possible data that you collect, every service you use and how to get the stuff delete, again, in it.

writen by WBE Member

You do not necessarily need terms and conditions at least here in Germany

writen by WBE Member

Termly is a good option, but it’s not updated automatically. You pay one-time free for whole package

writen by WBE Member

WBE Member any suggestion?

writen by WBE Member

I think that T&C are useful to protect yourself from particular customer requests. Even if they are not mandatory. So probably it’s better to have them in place. For the cookie policy, in the end, I only use Pirsch for Analytics and FullStory. For authentication, NextAuth uses cookies, but I don’t think consent is needed for that one.

writen by WBE Member

Yeah, it doesn’t hurt. But local laws often are good enough. No for auth you don’t need the consent (functional cookie)

writen by WBE Member

WBE Member I actually ended up using iubenda for cookie consent and it was free. I think it is $9 if you want them to generate the terms, cookie policy and such automatically?

writen by WBE Member

good to know, I have a LTD of iubenda, but it covers one product only. I’ll probably go with the $9/month plan, it’s the quickest way to get everything in plan in a short time. also, they have a lot of information and tools to respect local laws.

writen by WBE Member

WBE Member am considering buying this one. Have you bought it? What do you think?

writen by WBE Member

Haven’t bought it yet. But yeah. Was considering it.

writen by WBE Member

Looks like a nice product. But no T&C generation, right?

writen by WBE Member

I did buy this.

It has a privacy policy and a cookie consent generator.

writen by WBE Member

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