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What is the best headless CMS, which can handle bigger file uploads (10mb/file and more), has good API and hopefully JS SDK, has decent pricing, and is user-friendly?

REST or GraphQL. Does not matter.

author WBE User

34 Answers

Not sure if this is specifically what you’re looking for but Contentful is awesome

writen by Kyle K

User experience is great

writen by Kyle K

There are some rate limits, right? After rate limit, they are pretty expensive I think

writen by WBE User

I was doing smth in admin dashboard for few minutes and it also counts towards API calls quota. Thats BS 😊

writen by WBE User

Ah damn yeah that is stupid . Nvm then lol. If you’re trying to store files why not just use S3? It’s dirt cheap

writen by Kyle K

Oh its not only files. I want to have records with props like name, categories, etc. + one or two images attached to it

writen by WBE User

Ah yeah I see. If you’re looking for cheap then I’d suggest planetscale + S3 but there may be a cms that handles it all. Def would cost more though

writen by Kyle K

But that’s not headless cms, but only DB hosting

writen by WBE User

I mean it can manage your content

writen by Kyle K

I’m still trying to figure out, if Directus is a good choice. I tried it multiple times and smth always fucked up 😊

writen by WBE User

Ah yeah

writen by Kyle K

Planetscale seems like good choice for my next side project to try their DBs

writen by WBE User

And I love their landing page

writen by WBE User

Yeah I use them for everything. Using them for recache rn (my api caching-as-a-service platform)

writen by Kyle K

Do you know any Benedikt and Matthias Endler?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Sorry for the basic questions but what is an headless CMS?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Basically it’s just a backend. So you can create and edit your content which is then published via API so you can use it with any fronted

writen by Benedikt

I haven’t used much of headless CMS so far so I can’t recommend any

writen by Benedikt

It’s like a WordPress without frontend website. You just have administration, where you manage your data. Then you create frontend on your own and fetch that data with ready-made API

writen by WBE User

Have you tested Strapi? <https//> They are pretty popular these days. Friend of mine built a site with that last week.

writen by Matthias Endler

I did. Don’t wanna selfhost

writen by WBE User

Well they have for a hosted variant

writen by Matthias Endler


writen by WBE User


writen by Matthias Endler

Wolfgang Gassler shared with me last week. That looks like a data-only platform. Not sure if it helps.

writen by Matthias Endler

Tried Directus few times, but always smth fucked up 😊 Don’t know, if I want to continue. But it’s great tool

writen by WBE User

Hum, I see. Tricky one. Can’t think of any other options tbh. I’d sign up for the Strapi waiting list just in case.

writen by Matthias Endler

There is also|

writen by Kyle K

I just started playing around with , a couple of days ago for one of my projects. It promises a lot but I can’t have a verdict yet. It’s serverless, self-hosted, open source, with headless cms, page builder and file manager on top of s3. Strapi is also a strong option, yes. My client uses it for the whole cms part, but as it the content grows, it can become hard to manage and huge build times.

writen by Bogdan Bias

So is it like a DB with an interface?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Tiago Ferreira Also abstracts away a lot of the things you would normally have to worry about with a db. No need to worry about sql injection or anything like that, or image compression, or anything like that

writen by Kyle K

Also makes it easy to write / manage rich text

writen by Kyle K


writen by Tiago Ferreira

is this one solved WBE User? 🤔 if so you can mark it with

writen by Tiago Ferreira

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