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What is the impact of SEO if some of the content in my page is scraped from some other source ? [SOLVED]

For Founder’s Bookshelf, the descriptions are taken from amazon and goodreads. I’m not sure how to proceed. Because there are 300+ book descriptions

author Suvojit Manna

12 Answers

At best, Google will decide not to rank the pages with duplicate content. At worst, your domain can be penalized for too much duplicate content. You should try to also have some unique content on each page.

writen by Skylar Givens

None of those are a good option. I’ve to look at how to rewrite the content 🤔

writen by Suvojit Manna

What if you put noindex meta tag to the pages with duplicate content?

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Maybe Roberto Robles can answer this?

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

A quick no hassle way would be to add canonical tags pointing to the original source url. Of course, your page may not rank because you are telling Google that you are not the original source. The best way to do it would be to write your own descriptions based on the originals.

writen by Roberto Robles

Hmm. Then maybe paraphrasing with AI would be an option?

writen by Aidas Bendoraitis

Thank you Roberto Robles 😊 Makes sense Aidas, I’m looking into it. I’ll rewrite some of them myself. But AI paraphrasing tool would be great.

writen by Suvojit Manna

I use Copymatic for stuff like that.

writen by Roberto Robles

Thanks for this ! This works perfectly.

writen by Suvojit Manna

Even if you use canonical tags, Google still might rank you. I post an article to Medium and set the canonical tag to point to my page.

What do you think? Which page is shown higher? Not mine.

The best way to make sure, of course, is to publish pages and to check in Google Search Console. But I would rewrite descriptions. If you can add your reviews, it might be much, much better.

writen by WBE User

Thanks for the the insight Dima! I’ve decided to rewrite the description…. with AI

writen by Suvojit Manna

It is good start!

writen by WBE User

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