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What is the percentage for most people’s landing page -> sign up page?

What is the percentage for most people’s landing page -> sign up page?

author WBE User

27 Answers

Sign up I am not sure but to convert to paying costumer is less than 1% for the community which is not great… Asking to Marc LG he told me that his is 30%

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I would say that 10% is already amazing

writen by Tiago Ferreira

I have 9% on average from Landing Page -> Signup Page and then 2% to signup from there

writen by WBE User

so 2% signup?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

So 762 unique visitors then 74 unique to signup then 4 signups.

writen by WBE User

So 0.5% signup rate

writen by WBE User

and that is not paying users right?

writen by Tiago Ferreira

Not even active users

writen by WBE User

Two encountered bugs straight away and never came back, but in my defense they signed up before I was beta launched

writen by WBE User

So one encountered the plan page being broken and the other tried to add a site.

writen by WBE User

So far I’ve not got a single activated user.

writen by WBE User

I’m thinking of polishing up the app dashboard and stuff and start adding more screenshots and stuff of that and maybe push some more that I’ve got free analytics too.

writen by WBE User

Also, it goes live on AppSumo next week so hopefully I get some users from that. Tho honestly, right now, I am not filled with much hope

writen by WBE User

If you did not have a lot of users yet it’s hard to find an accurate conversion rate. You should try to get a few more users before the appsumo launch. Where are your users hanging out? Send dms

writen by Tiago Ferreira

The entire point of appsumo is to get users. Literally, they just have people who want to buy a SaaS subscription on their site

writen by WBE User

What product is this for WBE User? Would love to take a look at the conversion rate. That sounds like a big discrepancy and there’s gotta be a reason for it, 9% and .5%.

writen by Andrey Seas

AppSumo and PH launch are a great opportunity to get a lot of users but you want to make sure that you already optimized your landing page and product as much as possible. And that is better to do with users you can control (reach out to, ask questions, etc…)

writen by Tiago Ferreira

AppSumo, is way different from PH. PH is full of people looking for new things. AppSumo is where people are literally looking to buy and often won’t even leave AppSumo to buy.

writen by WBE User

Tiago Ferreira also the reason you go to AppSumo and give such a massive discount for lifetime deals is for the users.

writen by WBE User

If you’re already got and getting users AppSumo seems pointless you would be better off just driving traffic to your landing page on a larger scale

writen by WBE User

Andrey Seas Yea that is how you pronounce my name. That’s great and makes so much sense. Thanks! I’ll start making changes just now.

writen by WBE User

No problem! Hope that helps

writen by Andrey Seas

The sign in with google is a good point, I can add a sign in with slack since you need to use slack so you already have one and then also it helps later when I want to go on the Slack Marketplace too so a double win

writen by WBE User

Yeah you could test that out as well

writen by Andrey Seas

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