You might want to talk with Julien Nahum and Peter Bocan. They are experts in the coding area

writen by WBE Office
These days I’ve been using raycast - not for complete window management. But sometimes.
I usually use no window management software at all - have been accustomed to using the mouse and the minimize maximize buttons (without spaces)
Will try out stage manager today

writen by Sanat Hegde
I don’t have a big monitor, but I do move windows around time to time.
On Mac, I use
(just saw on the website that it’s not actively maintained, but frankly never had a problem with it)
On the Github page, they recommend as the successor. From a 10-second look, it seems to be pretty much the same thing.

writen by Kirill Rogovoy
depends on the window manager But you can configure quite a lot there. Oh wait, that’s MacOSX you’re talking about? :smile:

writen by Benedikt